When a (TPA) seeks a new healthcare option, MagnaCare puts the pedal to the metal.
The Situation
MagnaCare partners with dozens of other TPAs across the country, who access our expansive provider network and services to add value for their clients. Recently, a TPA consulted with us about their client, an automobile dealership with three Ohio locations. All the employees — salesforce, clerks, mechanics — lived in the same general area. How could their client bring healthcare costs down while driving a quality level of care for employees and their families?
The Strategy
We sat down with the TPA, kicked the tires for a while — as it were — then recommended an Integrated Delivery Network (IDN). We talked about building a network for the dealerships from participating providers who belong to the same local health system. With an IDN, shared electronic medical records (EMR) among providers in the same health system promote better-coordinated care. And the health system readily negotiated lower rates to attract the new clients to their providers and facilities.
The Results
The TPA has helped their client save up to 24% on healthcare costs. Plus, employees like the integrated system, which allows them to build stronger relationships with their primary care physician (PCP). Instantly accessible records help provide a holistic view of their medical history to help them steer their course to better health.
With 30 years of experience serving self-funded clients, MagnaCare provides everything you need to administer your health plan at a lower cost and with the greater customization that each individual company deserves.
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Additional Case Studies

MagnaCare dishes out a recipe for success
The company’s mission is to spread the word about its regional cuisine, not lose valuable time resolving employee complaints about its traditional insurance carrier’s unresponsive claims department.

When it comes to healthcare, one size does not fit all.
Youth. Almost all the startup’s employees are 35 or younger, a demographic that generally doesn’t overuse healthcare or submit unreasonably high claims.

The high cost of traditional health insurance takes a hike
The firm’s executives are unhappy with the way traditional employee healthcare costs spiral ever higher, creating a drag on revenue.

When a trendy new health insurance startup needed a provider network, MagnaCare was there.
The northeastern insurance startup was backed by hundreds of millions in venture capital and buoyed by a fresh way of looking at health insurance — an emphasis on virtual and telemedicine visits,